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Marilyn's Store
1 C. interspecifics

5 Clivia species
63 C. interspecifics
24 Clivia seedlings
5 other plants

W.G. Clivias


There are 63 different Clivia interspecifics available.

Clivia miniata - Mini
Clivia nobilis - Nobi
Clivia gardenii - Gard
Clivia caulescens - Caul
Clivia robusta - Robu
Clivia mirabilis - Mira
Clivia Cyrtanthiflora - Cyrt
Clivia Interspecific - Inter

If you would like to contact Clellansown regarding Clivia interspecifics or anything else.
First: Currently you will need to click on the checkboxes next to each Listing Number that you are interested in. The Listing Numbers will automatically be included in your message.
Second: Click to go to the contact page.
Third: On the contact page you will need to type in your name, email address, shipping address, any coments and click the submit button on that page.

umbel of cs00508
Listing Number = cs00508A
Item = 'Apalapucia' A
Named by = John Ingram (Dr Who moon)
Provenance = John Ingram 2019
Color = orange red
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = undescribed
Price = $40

umbel of cs00496
Listing Number = cs00496
Item = 'Autumn Sunset'
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - Misty Morning Nurseries (aka Welland Cowley) 2004 - via Cape Flora
Color = orange
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (27). The 15cm diameter pendulous umbel has 12 flowers. The 2.5cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.8cm long tubular shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $40

umbel of cs00496
Listing Number = cs00496A
Item = 'Autumn Sunset' A
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - Misty Morning Nurseries (aka Welland Cowley) 2004 - via Cape Flora
Color = orange
Size = 10 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (27). The 15cm diameter pendulous umbel has 12 flowers. The 2.5cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.8cm long tubular shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $50

flower of cs00401

umbel of cs00401
Listing Number = cs00401A
Item = 'Golden Sunset' A
Provenance = John Ingram 2014 - Mick Dower - Yoshikazu Nakamura
Color = orange
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = undescribed
Price = $60
Listing Number = cs00507A
Item = 'Orange Bell' A
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - Gideon Botha - Brian Tarr
Color = orange red
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = Not photographed by me.
Price = $45

umbel of cs00402
Listing Number = cs00402
Item = 'Tersurus'
Provenance = John Ingram 2014 - Gideon Botha
Color = vericolor
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This vericolor clivia is yellow green (86). The color is enhanced with orange (30) outside vericolor. The cm diameter umbel has flowers. The 2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 3.9cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $90

umbel of cs00402
Listing Number = cs00402D
Item = 'Tersurus' D
Provenance = John Ingram 2014 - Gideon Botha
Color = vericolor
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This vericolor clivia is yellow green (86). The color is enhanced with orange (30) outside vericolor. The cm diameter umbel has flowers. The 2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 3.9cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $60

umbel of cs00402
Listing Number = cs00402E
Item = 'Tersurus' E
Provenance = John Ingram 2014 - Gideon Botha
Color = vericolor
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This vericolor clivia is yellow green (86). The color is enhanced with orange (30) outside vericolor. The cm diameter umbel has flowers. The 2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 3.9cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $70

umbel of cs00402
Listing Number = cs00402F
Item = 'Tersurus' F
Provenance = John Ingram 2014 - Gideon Botha
Color = vericolor
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This vericolor clivia is yellow green (86). The color is enhanced with orange (30) outside vericolor. The cm diameter umbel has flowers. The 2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 3.9cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $60

umbel of cs00402
Listing Number = cs00402G
Item = 'Tersurus' G
Provenance = John Ingram 2014 - Gideon Botha
Color = vericolor
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This vericolor clivia is yellow green (86). The color is enhanced with orange (30) outside vericolor. The cm diameter umbel has flowers. The 2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 3.9cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $80

umbel of cs04409
Listing Number = cs04409
Item = Blackbeard Cyrtanthiflora - F2
Provenance = Charl Malan - S0323 2002 - Gladys Blackbeard
Color = light orange
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is light orange (37). The color is enhanced with orange red (18) outside vericolor. The 17cm diameter drooping umbel has 14 flowers. The 2.5cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.5cm long tubular shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $40

umbel of cs04410
Listing Number = cs04410
Item = Blackbeard Cyrtanthiflora - F2
Provenance = Charl Malan - S0323 2002 - Gladys Blackbeard
Color = orange red
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (13). The color is enhanced with dark peach (79) tips. The 16cm diameter drooping umbel has 12 flowers. The 3.2cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.3cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $45

flower of cs04408

umbel of cs04408
Listing Number = cs04408A
Item = Blackbeard Cyrtanthiflora - F2 A
Provenance = Charl Malan - S0323 2002 - Gladys Blackbeard
Color = orange red
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (16). The 12cm diameter drooping umbel has 13 flowers. The 1.5cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 4.9cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $30

mom is cs05255<br>C. CaulMini

dad is the wind
Listing Number = cs13866A
Item = C. [CaulMini]F2 A
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2015
Color = orange
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = Un-flowered seedling
Price = $35

mom is cs05255<br>C. CaulMini

dad is the wind
Listing Number = cs13866B
Item = C. [CaulMini]F2 B
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2015
Color = orange
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = Un-flowered seedling
Price = $30

mom is cs05255<br>C. CaulMini

dad is the wind
Listing Number = cs13866C
Item = C. [CaulMini]F2 C
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2015
Color = orange
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = Un-flowered seedling
Price = $35

mom is cs10776
C. Minigard

dad is cs04336
Nakamura yellow hybrid

flower of cs14380

umbel of cs14380
Listing Number = cs14380
Item = C. [MiniGard]Mini
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2017
Color = orange red
Size = 6 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (17). The color is enhanced with light orange (35) inside vericolor. The 19cm diameter drooping umbel has 10 flowers. The 4.4cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 7cm long conical shaped flowers are recurved.
Price = $30

mom is cs04989

dad is Dana_96AF
'Caroline's Pride' - C. robusta yellow

flower of cs14333

umbel of cs14333
Listing Number = cs14333
Item = C. [MiniRobu]
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2017
Color = orange red
Size = 2 plants - 8 and 2 leaves, 1 gallon pot
Comment = undescribed
Price = $100

umbel of cs00374
Listing Number = cs00374
Item = C. [NobiMini]Mini
Provenance = John Ingram 2011
Color = orange red
Size = 8 leaves, 2 gallon pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (16). The 20cm diameter drooping umbel has 18 flowers. The 6.3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 6cm long funnel shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $40

mom is cs00329<br>C. caulescens - Mariepskop

dad is cs00038<br>'Karla'

umbel of cs03851
Listing Number = cs03851
Item = C. CaulMini
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2002
Color = orange red
Size = 6 plants - 14 and 6 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (16). The 14cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 29 flowers. The 2cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 4.3cm long tubular shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $30

mom is cs00329<br>C. caulescens - Mariepskop

dad is cs00041<br>Solomone yellow

umbel of cs03854
Listing Number = cs03854
Item = C. CaulMini
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2002
Color = orange red
Size = 8 leaves, 2 gallon pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (13). The 16cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 21 flowers. The 3.3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 4.8cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $40

mom is cs00329
C. caulescens - Mariepskop

dad is HBG_22_6_06

flower of cs05255

umbel of cs05255
Listing Number = cs05255
Item = C. CaulMini
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2003
Color = orange red
Size = 7 leaves, 2 gallon pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (13). The 14.5cm diameter drooping umbel has 28 flowers. The 3cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 4.8cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $35

mom is cs00329<br>C. caulescens - Mariepskop

dad is cs00041<br>Solomone yellow

umbel of cs03854
Listing Number = cs03854B
Item = C. CaulMini B
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2002
Color = orange red
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (13). The 16cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 21 flowers. The 3.3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 4.8cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $30

mom is HBG_23_2_02
C. Cyrtanthiflora - F2

dad is the wind

flower of cs04756

umbel of cs04756
Listing Number = cs04756
Item = C. Cyrtanthiflora - F3
Provenance = HBG 2002
Color = orange red
Size = 5 plants - 8,4,3,3 and 2 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (11). The 15cm diameter upright umbel has 18 flowers. The 3.8cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5.4cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $100

mom is HBG_23_2_03
C. Cyrtanthiflora - F2

dad is the wind

flower of cs04763

umbel of cs04763
Listing Number = cs04763
Item = C. Cyrtanthiflora - F3
Provenance = HBG 2002
Color = light orange
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is light orange (34) and matures to orange (27). The color is enhanced with orange (27) midribs. The 15cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 13 flowers. The 6.3cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 6.3cm long funnel shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $45
Sold out

mom is HBG_23_2_02
C. Cyrtanthiflora - F2

dad is the wind

flower of cs04756

umbel of cs04756
Listing Number = cs04756A
Item = C. Cyrtanthiflora - F3 A
Provenance = HBG 2002
Color = orange red
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (11). The 15cm diameter upright umbel has 18 flowers. The 3.8cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5.4cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $35
Listing Number = cs00500B
Item = C. CyrtMini B
Provenance = John Ingram 2019
Color = orange
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = Not photographed by me.
Price = $30

umbel of cs00186
Listing Number = cs00186
Item = C. Interspecific
Provenance = Petersmeriesburg auction 2006
Color = orange
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The 15.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 17 flowers. The 2.1cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.7cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $45

umbel of cs00400
Listing Number = cs00400
Item = C. Interspecific - natural median variegate
Provenance = John Ingram 2014
Color = orange
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (29). The 18cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 20 flowers. The 3cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 6.2cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $45

umbel of cs00378
Listing Number = cs00378A
Item = C. Interspecific - natural median variegate A
Provenance = John Ingram 2013 - Gideon Botha
Color = orange red
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This Natural Median clivia is orange red (11). The 18cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 12 flowers. The 3.2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 7cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $30

umbel of cs00400
Listing Number = cs00400A
Item = C. Interspecific - natural median variegate A
Provenance = John Ingram 2014
Color = orange
Size = 9 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (29). The 18cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 20 flowers. The 3cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 6.2cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $45

umbel of cs00378
Listing Number = cs00378B
Item = C. Interspecific - natural median variegate B
Provenance = John Ingram 2013 - Gideon Botha
Color = orange red
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This Natural Median clivia is orange red (11). The 18cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 12 flowers. The 3.2cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 7cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $30

umbel of cs00400
Listing Number = cs00400B
Item = C. Interspecific - natural median variegate B
Provenance = John Ingram 2014
Color = orange
Size = 6 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (29). The 18cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 20 flowers. The 3cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 6.2cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $30

umbel of cs00186
Listing Number = cs00186A
Item = C. Interspecific A
Provenance = Petersmeriesburg auction 2006
Color = orange
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The 15.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 17 flowers. The 2.1cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.7cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $35

mom is cs00033
San Marcos yellow

dad is HBG_22_6_08
C. MiniCyrt

flower of cs05405

umbel of cs05405
Listing Number = cs05405A
Item = C. Mini[MiniCyrt] A
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2003
Color = orange
Size = 12 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (29). The color is enhanced with orange (27) outside vericolor. The 14cm diameter drooping umbel has 14 flowers. The 4.6cm diameter star shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 4.9cm long funnel shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $60

mom is cs03330
Ferero yellow hybrid

dad is cs03606
C. MiniInter

flower of cs13479

umbel of cs13479
Listing Number = cs13479
Item = C. Mini[MiniInter]
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2013
Color = yellow
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This group 1 clivia is yellow (62). The 26cm diameter drooping umbel has 13 flowers. The 8.7cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have inconsistent overlapping. The 8.1cm long funnel shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $40

mom is cs01563

dad is cs03564

flower of cs10231

umbel of cs10231
Listing Number = cs10231
Item = C. MiniCaul
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2007
Color = orange red
Size = 10 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (15). The 15cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 23 flowers. The 5.6cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5.5cm long funnel shaped flowers are recurved.
Price = $50

mom is cs01563

dad is cs03564

flower of cs10231

umbel of cs10231
Listing Number = cs10231A
Item = C. MiniCaul A
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2007
Color = orange red
Size = 9 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (15). The 15cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 23 flowers. The 5.6cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5.5cm long funnel shaped flowers are recurved.
Price = $45

mom is cs01563

dad is cs03564

flower of cs10231

umbel of cs10231
Listing Number = cs10231B
Item = C. MiniCaul B
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2007
Color = orange red
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange red (15). The 15cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 23 flowers. The 5.6cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5.5cm long funnel shaped flowers are recurved.
Price = $40

mom is cs00040<br>'W.E.'

dad is HBG_22_6_02<br>C. Cyrtanthiflora - Ito

umbel of cs05530
Listing Number = cs05530
Item = C. MiniCyrt
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2003
Color = orange
Size = 9 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This ruffled clivia is orange (27). The 14cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 20 flowers. The 2.7cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 4.3cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $45

mom is cs00052
Solomone orange

dad is HBG_22_6_02
C. Cyrtanthiflora - Ito

flower of cs06234

umbel of cs06234
Listing Number = cs06234A
Item = C. MiniCyrt - multipetal A
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2003
Color = orange red
Size = 10 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This 30% multipetaled clivia is orange red (14). The 17cm diameter hemispherical umbel has 26 flowers. The 5cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 4.8cm long funnel shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $100

mom is cs00040<br>'W.E.'

dad is HBG_22_6_02<br>C. Cyrtanthiflora - Ito

umbel of cs05530
Listing Number = cs05530A
Item = C. MiniCyrt A
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2003
Color = orange
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This ruffled clivia is orange (27). The 14cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 20 flowers. The 2.7cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 4.3cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $35

mom is cs00165<br>'Sunrise-Sunset'

dad is cs00513<br>C. gardenii - 'Harburg Blush'

umbel of cs09148
Listing Number = cs09148
Item = C. MiniGard
Provenance = John Ingram 2007
Color = orange
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This split type D clivia is orange (29). The 17cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 13 flowers. The 2.5cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $40

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782
Item = C. MiniGard
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 12 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $60

mom is cs06583

dad is cs00234<br>C. gardenii - 'Ngome Yellow'

umbel of cs13444
Listing Number = cs13444
Item = C. MiniGard
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2013
Color = orange red
Size = 7 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = undescribed
Price = $35

mom is cs04390<br>Malan peach hybrid

dad is JI_2011a<br>'Green Petticoat'

umbel of cs13476
Listing Number = cs13476
Item = C. MiniGard
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2013
Color = vericolor
Size = 10 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is light orange (69). The color is enhanced with orange (70) outside vericolor. The 15cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 18 flowers. The 4.2cm diameter star shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5.4cm long funnel shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $100

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782A
Item = C. MiniGard A
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 10 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $50

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782B
Item = C. MiniGard B
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 7 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $35

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782C
Item = C. MiniGard C
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 9 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $45

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782D
Item = C. MiniGard D
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 8 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $40

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782E
Item = C. MiniGard E
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $35

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782G
Item = C. MiniGard G
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $30

mom is cs00107<br>Yellow Charm

dad is cs00335<br>C. gardenii

umbel of cs10782
Listing Number = cs10782H
Item = C. MiniGard H
Provenance = Clellansown hybrid 2008
Color = orange
Size = 10 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is orange (24). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 14.5cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 16 flowers. The 3cm diameter cookie cutter shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $50

flower of cs00510

umbel of cs00510
Listing Number = cs00510A
Item = Chubb Interspecific A
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - Sean Chubb
Color = orange
Size = 8 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = undescribed
Price = $40

flower of cs00510

umbel of cs00510
Listing Number = cs00510B
Item = Chubb Interspecific B
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - Sean Chubb
Color = orange
Size = 2 plants - 5 and 5 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = undescribed
Price = $50

umbel of cs00509
Listing Number = cs00509
Item = Lotter Interspecific
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - James Abel
Color = light orange
Size = 6 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is light orange (35). The color is enhanced with green (98) tips. The 13cm diameter pendulous umbel has 24 flowers. The 2cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping petals. The 4.7cm long tubular shaped flowers are straight.
Price = $30
Listing Number = cs00506A
Item = McNeil Cyrtanthiflora A
Provenance = John Ingram 2019 - Gideon Botha
Color = orange
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = Not photographed by me.
Price = $30

umbel of cs00295
Listing Number = cs00295
Item = Nakamura Interspecific
Provenance = John Ingram 2009 - Keith Rose 2002
Color = bronze
Size = 10 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is bronze (21). The color is enhanced with green (98) midribs. The 14.5cm diameter drooping umbel has 13 flowers. The 2.2cm diameter circular shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5.6cm long tubular shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $50
Sold out

umbel of cs07658
Listing Number = cs07658
Item = Rudo Interspecific
Provenance = Rudo Lotter 2005
Color = dark peach
Size = 6 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is dark peach (80). The 15cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 13 flowers. The 3.6cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $60

umbel of cs07658
Listing Number = cs07658B
Item = Rudo Interspecific B
Provenance = Rudo Lotter 2005
Color = dark peach
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is dark peach (80). The 15cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 13 flowers. The 3.6cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $70

umbel of cs07658
Listing Number = cs07658C
Item = Rudo Interspecific C
Provenance = Rudo Lotter 2005
Color = dark peach
Size = 7 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is dark peach (80). The 15cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 13 flowers. The 3.6cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $70

umbel of cs07658
Listing Number = cs07658D
Item = Rudo Interspecific D
Provenance = Rudo Lotter 2005
Color = dark peach
Size = 6 leaves, 4 inch band pot
Comment = This clivia is dark peach (80). The 15cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 13 flowers. The 3.6cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $60

umbel of cs07658
Listing Number = cs07658E
Item = Rudo Interspecific E
Provenance = Rudo Lotter 2005
Color = dark peach
Size = 8 leaves, 1 gallon band pot
Comment = This clivia is dark peach (80). The 15cm diameter diffuse ball umbel has 13 flowers. The 3.6cm diameter deltoid shaped flowers have overlapping tepals. The 5cm long conical shaped flowers are slightly recurved.
Price = $80

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