
- what are offsets
- color chart importance

Marilyn's Store
1 C. interspecifics

5 Clivia species
63 C. interspecifics
24 Clivia seedlings
5 other plants

W.G. Clivias

Marilyn's Store

There are 1 different Clivia interspecifics available.

If you would like to contact Marilyn's Store regarding Clivia interspecifics or anything else.
First: Currently you will need to click on the checkboxes next to each Listing Number that you are interested in. The Listing Numbers will automatically be included in your message.
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this offset has w offsets of it's own!

mother plant

mother plant next to offset
Listing Number = 8001interspecificoffset
Item = 8001offset
Color =
Comment = This is a very attractive rather compact interspecific offset with 11 leaves and 2 little offsets of its own. I do not know the background but the flowers are very pretty
Price = $120.00

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